The Bat Box Trail, which is located in Tanah Keeta Boy Scout Reservation, was created as part of a Girl Scout Gold Award Project. If you are unfamiliar with the Gold award, it is very similar to an Eagle Scout project. A Girl Scout working to achieve this award must pick a project that is both necessary and unique in their community. The project must also be sustainable, and have a global connection. In other words, a Gold Award has to make waves, and effect more than just one corner of the world. Through out the project, a prospective Gold recipient must attain at least 80 hours of work on the project, all on her own.

The Gold Award is an achievement where a Girl Scout puts all of the skills she has learned through the Girl Scout program to use. From wood-working, to networking, and everything in between, a Gold award Girl Scout is someone who embodies the ideas and principles that Girl Scouts represents. Through this award, she shows how she makes the world a better place.

The Bat Box Trail embodies the Girl Scout pillars of being Respectful, and Responsible, mainly of the world around us. It is aimed at teaching the public about creatures that are wildly misunderstood, and increasing their appreciation of the world we live in. This project also highlights the effects of human impact in a way that is up close a personal.

This project also serves an example of cooperation, whether it is between nature and people, or two organizations.

But, you don't have to be a Girl Scout to do all these things. All you need is an inspiration. I hope this project serves to inspire others, Scouts or not, to go out and change the world. Make waves and make it better.