Culvert west of Tequesta-Flora and Fauna

Where do you think bats live?

A. In caves

B. Under palm fronds

C. Under bridges

D. All of the above


Answer: All of the above! Bats roost in all three of those places depending on where they live. In Florida, a lot of bats will sleep under dying palm fronds that are still attached to the tree, or in tree hollows and other crevices.

Image 16

So we know where bats live, but do you know what they eat?

Well, all thirteen bat species in Florida are insectivores, meaning that they eat a variety of bugs. This includes pests like mosquitoes and no-see-ums, as well as beetles and other flying insects. Out of our 7 “accidental” species*, most that have been found in North Florida are insectivorous, while the ones found in the southern parts of the state are tropical in variety and actually feed on nectar, fruit, and pollen.

  • *Species that have been found in Florida but don’t actually live here normally


To get to Bat House 5, continue east towards Tequesta. As you pass the Tequesta Bath House, you will find Bat House 5 on the north (left) side of the trail on a slash pine.