Tequesta Bath House-Fun Facts

True or False?-Some bat colonies can have thousands of bats in them?

A. True

B. False


Answer: True! For example, the University of Florida’s Bat houses have between 450,000 and 500,000 bats, most of them Brazilian Free-tailed bats!

Image 17: Flying Fox

Here are some Fun Facts about Bats:

  1. Bats can swim. While it isn't a normal part of their flight pattern, bats have been observed swimming in stressful situations
  2. Bats typically live to be about 20 years old, though one bat was documented to live until 30!
  3. Baby bats are called pups
  4. The largest bat in the world is the flying fox
  5. There is a species of bats, called the pallid bat, that eat scorpions! They are also immune to scorpion stings
  6. Bracken Cave, Texas, is home to the largest bat colony in the world. Millions of Mexican free-tailed bats roost there every year.
  7. There are over 1400 bat species world wide
  8. Over 300 species of plants depend on bats to pollinate them, including bananas, guavas, and mangoes.
  9. Bats are the only flying mammal, sugar gliders and flying squirrels don't actually fly, they glide. 
  10. Bats can eat up to their body weight in insects each night. That's thousands of insects!


To get to Bat House 6, continue east to Range road, then head north towards the Ranges. About halfway there you will find Bat House 6 on the west side (left) side of the trail. It is in a small clearing and mounted on a slash pine.